At Grant Cardone's 10xGrowth Con 2018 event Russell Brunson, CEO ClickFunnels sold over 3 MILLION DOLLARS in 90 minutes!!!
Below is the FULL livestream presentation! Watch, learn and modeling...

"I've been building out my new funnel inside of Clickfunnels, and after doing it, the idea of using anything else is daunting to me. I would have had to have membership software, landing pages, order forms and the still figure out how to tie them all together. I'll never have to go through that again because of Clickfunnels!" - Liz Benny
Dear friend,
On April 16th last year, Russell Brunson, Co-Founder and CEO of ClickFunnels Company, has received a life-changing phone call from Grant Cardone.
He told him he was hosting his new “10X Growth Conference” where 9,000 business owners and sales people would be attending, and wanted to know if he’d be one of his keynote speakers.
9,000 People!?!
He didn’t even know it was possible to get that many to attend an event like that…
But he told him “Sure…if you can pull off getting 9,000 people there, I’ll come and speak.”
“Well, how much would you charge for that?” he asked.
Russell told Grant his fee…

There was about 5 seconds of silence…
...and then he could hear him audibly laughing into the phone at him…
“Russell, there is NO WAY we’re gonna pay you even a fraction of that!”
He smiled, and then said… “Ok, how about this…”

“But,” he added, “I want to offer one of my products for sale at the end of the speech…
And, I’ll even split the earnings with you 50/50.”
Grant laughed at Russell a 2nd time, thinking he had easily gotten the better of him, but then he agreed.
(If only he knew then how much that ONE speech would actually generate… ha, ha, ha)
The deal was made...
And after Russell hung up the phone, he smiled and told his team that together have a new goal...
To NET $1,000,000 / hour!!!
In order to do that, that meant he'd have to actually sell $3 Million In 90 minutes.
But, he knew that with 9,000 people in the room, it would be possible...
He spent the next few months working to choreographie and strategizing how he were going to make this goal happen, and then...
On February 23, 2018 at 10:30 HE was scheduled
to step out onto that stage…
In that moment, it was kind of like Babe Ruth stepping up to the plate and calling his shot, and pointing out into the stands.
He had presented many, MANY keynotes before, but let me tell you something…
NOTHING can prepare you for looking out at a sea of 9,000 faces staring back at you...

...all of them hoping you'll have some nugget of
wisdom that will change their life!
He was equal parts excited and a nervous wreck…
He knew that what he was about to tell them would without a doubt change their business forever…

The nerves turned into full-on butterflies in him stomach, and the heart started racing.
Him legs started nervously fidgeting, and he began shifting him body side to side, side to side…
(Anything to take the mind off of the fact that he was about to talk to over 9,000+ people!)
„Calm down…” he commanded himself.
In a fuzzy blur, he heard fragments of the blaring voice come over the loudspeakers, announcing the intro they had written for him:

He stepped out onto the stage, and something incredible happened...
Him butterflies finally went away, and the excitement start to pouring in...
And then he started…
Slide by slide, he delivered the speech…
And just as he had agreed, and the end of the presentation...
He made a special offer to the audience…
And then it happened...
People jumped out of their chairs…
They started running (not walking) to the back of the venue...
They stampeded their way up the stairs and around the corner, to our product tables that were set up…
The next 6 hours was a whirlwind...
He stood in line for almost 6 hours, taking pictures with each person who bought him product!

After that, he went went back to the hotel room to rest with him wife, Collette...
While his team was up in a secret hotel room processing orders.
He laid down in the bed and instantly passed out.
He woke up 2 hours later, and he had to get an update...
So he went into the room where him team was processing orders and asked for the grand total…
Drum roll please...
$3.2 MILLION Dollars...!
He did it!
And as you can see from the video above, he crushed the original $1 Million-dollar goal, and ended up generating $3.2 Million with just one 90-minute keynote presentation…
Which means…
Russell's net profit take home as a speaker was over
$1 Million PER HOUR,
officially making him the #1 highest paid speaker in the world!
That’s more per keynote than TOP professional speakers like:

And Marc Cuban... COMBINED!

The only speaker that even comes somewhat CLOSE to this is Donald Trump, earning anywhere from $1 Million - $1.5 Million per keynote...

(But, I guess he is the President of the United States... it makes sense that his fees are similar to Russell's...
Ha, ha!)
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…

People jumped out of their chairs…
But you have to understand that there are actually TWO ways to earn money as a speaker…
#1 - Become FAMOUS, and get paid to SPEAK
I showed you above what some of the highest paid speakers charge for just ONE keynote…
Tony Robbins charges $200K+…
Arnold Schwarzenegger charges $250K… (and he requests a private plane for him and his team to be provided by the client!
And several athletes like Magic Johnson, Lance Armstrong, and Tim Tebow charge a minimum of $100K each!
That’s how much they can command to speak ONE time!
That’s because they’re famous.
Pretty decent money for a single speech, right?
Don’t get me wrong...
You can make a HUGE amount of money going this route…
...IF you’re famous.
So, that’s awesome if you’re already famous…
But what about people like me and you who probably aren’t that famous…
Are we just screwed?
Not at all!
In fact, there’s a way to earn MORE money than even the highest-paid famous speakers, (whether anyone knows you or not!)
Outside of Russellțs niche, hi’s not famous at all!
- He can go to the grocery store…
- Drop his kids off at school…
- Take him wife out to her favorite restaurant…
- Take him family on a vacation to Disney…
...and nobody knows him!
Which (BTW) is REALLY nice. Being famous seems HORRIBLE…
So even if you’re like me, and you’re NOT famous, there’s a 2nd way to earn money from speaking…
And this way (as you’ve seen above) you actually get paid MORE than a celebrity!
Let me explain the 2nd way you can get paid to speak.
#2 - Speak for FREE. (And get paid to sell your
products at the end of your presentation!)
It might sound completely backwards, but the best way to get paid MORE is to speak for FREE.
Russell Brunson don’t speak often anymore...only about two times per year.
But, when HE DO speak, he don’t charge any penny!
And yet, I earn upwards of a $1 Million per hour
(or more) on the presentations I give!

He's a “platform-selling” speaker.
Which means, he don’t charge any speaking fees.
Instead, he make the money from the products and services that he sell at the back of the room when he finish him presentation.
You can make a crazy amount of money as a platform speaker, just by doing one 60-90 minute presentation!
Now, let me ask you something…
Have you ever witnessed a stampede of buyers RACE to the back of the room, order form in hand, practically begging to purchase the product they just learned about?
It’s called a “table rush”.
And once you see it for yourself, you will NEVER forget how powerful it is!
I want to show you how to inspire your audience to jump out of their seat and create a SWARM around your product tables in the back of the room!
And that’s why Russell made the deal with Grant that he did…
Because he knew that most of his speakers were the first type of speaker… they all got paid to speak.
But he's the 2nd type of speaker… the one who makes the money for the event.
Now, he's the first to admit, he’s not the best salesperson in the world.
In fact…

I’d almost guarantee you’re far better at face-to-face selling than Russell!
I know Russell, and like everyone, there’s a few things that he's really good ...
He's not the BEST at one-to-one selling.
But, he’ve mastered a different skill…
He’ve Mastered The Lost Art Of
“One-To-MANY” Selling...
You can probably close a higher percentage than he could selling one-on-one…
But, because he's able to speak to 100 people…
Or 1,000 people…
Or 9,000 people all at once, with ONE speech…
And, because he know how to craft and structure his presentation…
He's able to make MORE money in a fraction of the time!
When you are selling face-to-face, you have the unique ability to ask specific questions, get their personal feedback, and resolve their objections on-the-spot... right?
When you’re in a room (or virtual room) you can’t really ask questions and get answers from THOUSANDS of people… you need to create your presentation in a way that resolves all of their objections for as many people as possible.
Once You Master That, You’ve Mastered
The Art Of Mass Selling!
He’s able to sell 9,000 people at once, with ONE 90-minute speech, instead of 1 person at a time, face-to-face.
Are you getting this?
Are you starting to see WHY the 2nd type of speaking is so valuable and powerful?
That night, after Russell spoke, he got a call from Grant saying:

This time the phone call with Grant was a little different... this time Russel was the one laughing… :)
He told him that he ’d LOVE to show him how he did it… but that he’d also LOVE to show EVERYONE who was at the 10X event behind the scenes of what they had just experienced...
So he asked him if he could go BACK on stage the next day (which wasn’t planned or in the schedule), and offer to show him and the audience exactly how he did it.
He agreed, and the next morning Russell;s got back on stage and asked everyone if they would be interested to see HOW he did what he did...
Here is a quick video of what Russell told the entire audience:
After seeing almost all 9,000 hands raise, Russell agreed to do a special bonus training specifically for them, showing them how to sell to the masses.
(You see, this room was full of the BEST sales people on planet earth… but no matter how good they are selling one-to-one, because he could sell one-to-MANY, he was able to make more in one hour then even the BEST of them make in an entire year!)
He had planned on teaching for 90 minutes, but when he got home and started the training, he couldn’t stop, and one hour quickly turned into two… and then three…
And he ended after over 6 HOURS of training!
In this training, he go through everything:
- How he, and him team created their offer (and how to use this process for ANY business)...
- How he structured each part of the presentation that he delivered on stage...
And then...
He go through the actual 90-minute presentation
with you, slide-by-slide, minute-by-minute…

He’ll play the presentation for a minute, and push pause, and he'll tell you:
- "Here's what I'm actually doing here..."
- "Here's the psychology behind what I did..."
- "Here's why I said this..."
Now, this training (and my play-by-play selling process that you learn from it) could easily be sold for over $10,000.
Think about it…
A process that gives you the SKILL to sell on any platform, (stages, webinars, FaceBook or Instagram LIVES) and make more in an hour then most people make in a year?
Easily worth $10,000 or more...right?
Heck, just one presentation in front of the right audience will make you more then that if you totally mess it up… (and just imagine when you do it RIGHT!)
These Are The Simple “10X Secrets” That Russell's
Use In EVERY Keynote To Make More Money
Than ANY Other Paid Speaker In The World!
And This Script Is The SAME Script They Use For ClickFunnels Webinars, Their Facebook and Instagram Lives To Grow Their Companies At Record Rates…
In fact, this year my company ClickFunnels hit #76 on the INC 500 list, and guess how he grew their software company this fast?
Yup, you guessed it, with webinars using this SAME presentation script.

The SAME on you will learn and master when you get access to the 10X Secrets training program today!
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…
Access The ENTIRE Training When
You Get 10X Secrets Today!