Ce inseamna sa fii cu adevarat un bun lider si care sunt lucrurile din viata sa, de care ROBIN SHARMA este cel mai mandru? Unul dintre cei mai importanti experti ai lume in leadership si dezvoltare personala, ROBIN SHARMA, „Calugarul care si-a vandut ferrari-ul„, va fi prezent in Romania, pe 17 septembrie, pentru a sustine […]
Continue readingUltimele bilete cu pret promotional pentru Robin Sharma, la Bucuresti. Discount de 50%!!! IMPORTANT: In acest moment, au mai ramas doar 50 de bilete la categoria Silver, care pot fi achizionate cu un discount de 50% de pe www.robinsharmabucuresti.ro Robin Sharma, autorul fenomenalelor block-bustere „Liderul fara functie” si “Calugarul care si-a vandut Ferrari-ul” despre care am […]
Continue readingMartin Scorsese’s interpretation of Jordan Belfort’s memoir, „The Wolf of Wall Street,” may seem like a wild exaggeration of the 26-year-old millionaire’s life, though the truth is even more outrageous. As one of the most successful stockbroker con-artists of the 1990s, Jordan Belfort’s memoirs display the „profit-over-all” culture of Wall Street – portraying the lifestyle […]
Continue readingJoe Polish Interviews T Harv Eker T Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Minds, will discuss how you know if you have a flawed money blueprint, the 4 basic steps for creating a different blueprint, and how to become an observer of your thoughts.
Continue readingWatch television interview of T Harv Eker by Foxs News Channel on ‘Fox and Friends’, including his new book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
Continue readingWatch television interview of T Harv Eker by CNBC on ‘Morning Call’, including his new book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
Continue readingWatch T. Harv Eker interviewed on the U.S. cable news channel CNN talking about his best-selling book; Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and about the Secret Psychology of Wealth.
Continue readingJay Abraham is the world’s preeminent business growth expert. He is a mammoth force in original thinking and a legend in entrepreneurship circles. His body of work has generated an estimated $9 billion dollars in capital increase (within hundreds of industries). His daily consulting fee is $50K but fans of this program can join the […]
Continue readingAcest interciu a fost luat de Bianca Poptean si publicat in publicatia online „Ce se intampla doctore?„, in martie 2014 OANA STOIANOVICI este lider şi coach transformaţional cu o experienţă de 10 ani, la nivel internaţional. A studiat coachingul şi arta transformării în diverse ţări, conducând programe transformaţionale focusate pe leadership peste tot în lume. În ultimii 8 […]
Continue readingO teorie interesanta spune ca „Soarele nu vede niciodata umbra”. Asta pentru ca Soarele este o stea aflata in centrul sistemului nostru solar iar Pământul, toate celelalte planete, asteroizii, meteoriții, cometele, precum și cantitățile enorme de praf interplanetar orbitează (se invart) în jurul său. Oamenii de succes, după ce îşi construiesc o afacere, nu stau şi îşi contemplă opera, […]
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